Wednesday, September 27, 2017

The Writers' Tea Party - Hurunui

A notice in support of this event, happening in Amberley and chaired by Bernadette Hall.

The event features performance/readings by Tusiata Avia, John Newton and Holly Ford. Entry is just $2 per person or $5 for a family including afternoon tea! Splendid!

Sunday 1 October, 2pm
Hurunui Memorial Library, Amberley
$2 entry or $5 family entry


Saturday, September 23, 2017

Canterbury Poets Collective - Spring Season 2017

Catalyst Open Mic - Unfinished Business

Following on from successful 'Christmas' themed open mics and the original one-off 'Juvenilia' night, this year we've been having the occasional themed open mic. They're always optional so people don't have to play, especially if they weren't prepared for it. We've enjoyed 'Heroes', 'Erotica', and even 'The Long Dark Teatime of the Soul' (thanks Douglas Adams!)

Sometimes they are decided by the participants but October's theme came to me out of a moment of frustration. Unable to complete a half-baked poem, I wondered if I could read it anyway. It occurred to me that probably most people have unfinished works that may or may not see the light of day and this could be fun.

So here it is! 'Unfinished Busi-'

Catalyst Open Mic - Unfinished Business
Wednesday 4th October, 8pm
Space Academy, 371 St Asaph St
Note - later start time due to Canterbury Poets Collective

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Christchurch Poetry Slam 2017

The year rolls around so quick! The New Zealand Poetry Slam is on again in November, in Hamilton. So it's time to find Christchurch's champion to take on the unruly northerners.

Once again we're pleased to be hosting the Christchurch Poetry Slam at Space Academy.

Christchurch Poetry Slam
Thursday 12th October, 7pm registration, doors open.
Space Academy 371 St Asaph St
$10 entry (all proceeds towards travel for the winner to the national final)

Remember: to compete you must be available to travel to Hamilton for the 4th November.

For the official rules see here.

Christchurch Poetry Slam 2017 - The Rules

Here are the official rules of the Christchurch Poetry Slam as per the NZ Poetry Slam.

Rules for NZ Poetry Slam

  • 3 minutes or less with no minimum time (10 second grace period before points deduction)
  • Time starts when poet speaks, however while poets can have time to settle and adjust microphone etc, this time is not limitless; ideally a poet should start before 10 seconds.
  • Original (i.e. your own) poems only
  • No props no music no costumes (i.e. clothing related to the content of your poem)
  • In the case of a tie a slam-off will be required
  • Random draw, for performance order.
Judging and scoring:

  • 5 Audience Judges (chosen by MC and/or organiser) display score cards 0-10 (Decimal points allowed)
  • Top and bottom scores drop off and total of remaining 3 scores is the total
  • If Poet goes over grace period MC or Timekeeper to ask scorer to mark down points after the judges score… (Half a point penalty for every 10 seconds over time)
  • After 4 minutes the MC can shut down the poet
  • 'Sacrificial Poet' (non-competing) to start the night, to help calibrate scores.
  • Slams are equally about writing, performance and audience response.
  • Slammers should have at least 3 poems, as there will be three rounds for the Regionals and NZ Slam