Wednesday, June 03, 2020

We Love Space Academy!

Please help us keep our beloved home alive and kicking.

Space Academy is a sanctuary for art, music and literature lovers (or just peeps who love craft beer, craft pizza and wholesome food).

It's also been the home of the spacey-themed latest iteration of Catalyst Open Mic, the ever-evolving poetry performance community now in its 19th year. You can even sit on the sofas and read a collection of our increasingly rare and collectible back issues from their library.

Run by the nicest team on Earth or in orbit, it is a haven for anyone looking for a gentler, thoughtful or inspiring experience in their night out.

You might even hear some poetry.*

Space Academy are running a Boosted campaign to help them get through the difficult winter caused by months of pandemic lock-down. Please support the lively, passionate arts and literary infrastructure in our city by donating to the campaign at the link below - every little bit helps and they are so close to target!

The view from the (open) microphone

Poet and sometime Catalyst host Melanie McKerchar

*this may or may not be an incentive.