Wednesday, June 28, 2023


Republic of Oma Rāpeti Press and Catalyst Literary Arts Journal invites submissions of artwork for our 20th anniversary issue and 10th under the imprint of Republic of Oma Rāpeti Press. 

2023 is the Year of the Rabbit - water hare (almost like we planned it that way...) therefore, the theme for artwork this issue is 'RABBITS' (rāpeti) or things generally cunicular. 

Deadline for submissions is 10th July. Artwork should be original, your own work and preferably not already published in a literary journal in Aotearoa New Zealand. Submissions should be emailed to with 'artwork' in the subject line.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

World Congress of Poets announce new international literary journal - Fuego - call for submissions


Image depicting flames against black background
Image credit: Man on fire by: (Unsplash)

Fuego - The World Congress of Poets Literary Journal

The World Congress of Poets are delighted to announce that they will start several new initiatives in 2023. One of these new projects is a literary journal produced by our Executive Board. The goal of this new literary journal is to provide more opportunities for our members to publish their work, and to also improve the quality of writing by our members.

Fuego will become an annual publication that will strive to showcase poetry from featured countries, including poetry by children, youth, and adults.
The spotlight for this inaugural edition will be to feature Waimakariri, New Zealand, and is
funded by Waimakariri Creative Communities.
The Editor in Chief for Fuego Volume 1 is Doc Drumheller.

The deadline for the inaugural issue of Fuego is 1st July 2023

Please read carefully - submissions that do not follow the guidelines below will not be considered.

  • Email submissions only.
  • Submissions must be previously unpublished and not submitted elsewhere for publication.
  • Please send no more than five poems in English and a short BIO to:
  • Please keep your BIO to no more than 100 words, otherwise we reserve the right to edit.
  • Please also include in the subject line: Your Name and Submission e.g: 'Doc
  • Drumheller, WCP Journal Submission'.
  • Submissions that do not follow this guideline will not be opened. Please help us avoid spam!
  • Send work as a word attachment, send all your poems and BIO in one attachment please and include your email and postal address.
  • Use Times New Roman 12pt font, single spaced, with no header, footers or any other formatting.
  • We reserve the right to make minor edits to layout for publication.
  • The deadline for submissions is 1 July 2023.