Wednesday 3rd February is our first open mic session for 2021 and we're delighted to announce our special guest will be Jess Fiebig celebrating the release of her first collection of poetry by Auckland University Press. Picking up where we left off in December with a book celebration!
Jess Fiebig is a Christchurch-based poet whose work has featured in Best New Zealand Poems 2018, Poetry New Zealand Yearbook 2018 and 2019, Landfall, Turbine | Kapohau and takahē. She was runner-up in the 2019 Sarah Broom Poetry Prize.
About this collection My Honest Poem, Fiona Farrell has written:
‘These poems are undeniably personal and often deeply painful: childhood neglect, abuse, alcoholism, physical hurt, depression and self-harm are their subject matter. But – through linguistic skill and sheer intelligence – Fiebig crafts a lyrical beauty from unpromising material. You finish reading her work feeling uplifted by the writer’s courage and honesty.’
My Honest Poem is a moving and powerful poetry collection that follows recovery from a life fractured by family violence and addiction. It is a coming-of-age story of a young New Zealand woman rebuilding strength and hope in the spaces left by trauma.
Come join us to celebrate this excellent achievement by Jess and revel in the newly upgraded Space Academy complete with new stage, outdoor area and pizza oven!